Return to Podcasting

Podcasting is a lot of work. I did it for about a decade before the average joe knew what a podcast was. I loved and hated it. But more love than hate.

My Radio Days! Miss them and I’m coming back to podcasting.

I think about all the great people I knew because I hosted a podcast. The guests, the listeners, the people in the chat room, and the peers I met. And it was rewarding me with building relationships.

Another bonus for me, podcasting pushed my boundaries in creativity and personal growth. I’m not what one describes as a people person, yet in a long-form interview, you need to connect. I learned that skill.

Mostly, I miss learning. I learned a lot from my guests and audience. Reading books from guests, fielding questions from the audience, and my conversations with guests taught me more than I imagined.

I am knocking off the mothballs and coming back to podcasting. Look forward to meeting new and old friends when I do. Stay posted here, as I will be posting updates on the progress of my new podcast.


Published Author at Anatolian Press. Debut Novel "Life Is In The Blood" out February 6, 2023.

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